Safe and Healthy Sleep

How to keep your baby safe while they sleep

18 Apr, 2017

Ensuring your baby sleeps safely is a top priority for any parent. Discover simple steps that can ease your mind and help your baby sleep soundly and securely, whether they are napping during the day or sleeping through the night.

Place Your Baby on Their Back

The safest sleeping position for your baby is on their back with their feet at the foot of the crib, cot, Moses basket, or pram. This position ensures their airways are open and prevents them from slipping underneath any covers, should you use them. I learned about the risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and therefore, I never put my baby on their stomach or side to sleep.

Only Let Them Sleep on Firm Surfaces

Babies often fall asleep in unexpected places, like during feeding on the sofa. However, it's crucial to ensure they sleep on a firm, flat mattress. As tempting as it might be to let them nap on a soft cushion, safety comes first. Always transfer them to a safe sleeping surface to avoid any risk.

Keep the Cot Free from Loose Items

Babies tend to move around a lot in their sleep. To ensure they can breathe freely at all times, remove any loose items from their sleeping area, such as bedding, pillows, toys, and comfort blankets. Using a fitted sheet and placing your baby in a sleep sack can help provide a safe sleeping environment where they can move without any hazards.

Have a Thermometer in Your Baby’s Room

Maintaining a comfortable room temperature for your baby is essential. The ideal temperature range is between 16-20 degrees Celsius. A thermometer in the baby’s room can help you monitor the temperature, ensuring it doesn't get too hot or cold. A sleep sack can also help keep your baby at a comfortable temperature while they sleep.