We Can Achieve Great Things Together

Imagine changing lives with every purchase you make from us

Our mission at Slumbersac is clear: We want to change the world for the better.

When you choose a Slumbersac product, it's not just about buying something great for your family. You will be part of a larger movement that, thanks to B1G1, is making a positive impact around the world to help families take control of their lives.

How it Works

Thanks to our long-standing partnership with B1G1 (Buy1Give1) we can provide help to people who urgently need support. 100% of our support goes directly into the projects we select. As a company, we also cover membership fees so that every donation goes directly to where it is most needed.

We primarily support projects in Cambodia and Kenya, as we were able to visit these projects on two study trips and know how important our support is there.

Our Past Contributions

What is actually achieved locally through our donations is measured in “impacts”. An impact could be, for example, 1 school lunch for a child, 1 week of clean drinking water for a family or the planting of a tree.

We currently support the following projects:

  • Planting fruit trees for families in Kenya
  • Bicycles for children in Cambodia so they can go to school
  • School lunches for children in Kenya
  • Ensuring supplies of drinking water for families in Cambodia
  • School books for children in Kenya
  • Doctor visits for children in Kenya
  • Providing children in Kenya with essential medicines
  • Planting trees in the rainforest to protect the climate

With 17 Sustainable Development Goals towards a better future

In 2015, 193 heads of state and government agreed in New York on 17 sustainable development goals, the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs for short.

Our projects have so far contributed to achieving these 17 development goals.

Worldwide distribution of our Impacts